Department of English


    Departments of English
    Bachelor of Arts in English (B.A. in English)
    General Education Core & Elective Courses: 120 semester credit hours

    The Bachelor of Arts in English (BA in English) degree is 4 years program, requires 120 semester hours of Post Secondary college-level study providing quality education at undergraduate levels. This requires Semester credit hours depending upon the academic background. Course work features practices, as which will enable students to work effectively in business and education environment.

    General Education : 10 Courses X 3 Credit = 30 Credit Hours
    Core : 24 Courses X 3 Credit = 72 Credit Hours
    Electives : 4 Courses X 3 Credit = 12 Credit Hours
    Project : 1 Project =6 Credit Hours
    General Education
    /br> 1.EN-1010, English Composition
    2. EN 1210 Spoken English
    3. IR-1010, International Relations
    4. SO 1020 Contemporary Sociology
    5. SO-1010, Bangladesh Studies
    6. BI 1010 Health Science Management
    7. ES1010 Environmental Science
    8. CS 1000 Computer Fundamentals & Application
    9. MA 1020, Introduction to Statistics

    10. EN 2010 English composition Theory, writing and application
    11. MG 2010, Introduction to Business
    12. EN 2020 Literature
    13. EN 2030 Middle English Literature
    14. EN 2040 Advance Writing
    15. EN 2050 Introduction to Linguistics
    16. EN 2060 The Structure of English
    17. EN 2070 Translation
    18. EN 2080 Writing for Profession
    19. EN 2090 The novel
    20. EN 3010 Communication Skills
    21. EN 3020 Theories of Human Communication
    22. EN 3030 Reporting Public Affairs
    23. EN 3040 Renaissance comedy: Shakespeare and Jonson
    24. EN 3050 American Literature
    25. EN 3060 American Fiction
    26. EN 3070 New writing in English
    27. EN 3080 Shakespeare
    28. EN 3090 Poetry Writing
    29. EN 4010 Critical Reading and Writing
    30. EN 4020 Language Learning
    31. EN 4030 Practical Criticism
    35. MG 4260, Introduction to Research
    36. EN 4040 Methods and Materials for Teaching English
    37. EN 4050 Teaching English as a Second Language
    38. EN 4060 Classroom Management
    39. EN 4070 Educational Psychology
    40. EN 4090 Undergraduate Capstone Project Report(6 CR/hrs)


    1. EN 1002 Reading English(Required For Selective Students)
    2. SO 1025 Military Science (Optional)

    MA in English

    Course Offering for 2 year

    1. ENG-501 Advanced English Grammar 2. ENG-506 Rhetoric & Prosody 3. ENG-510 Victorian Literature 4. ENG-502 English Phonetics of & Phonology 5. ENG- 508The Romantics 6. ENG-511 17th Century Prose and Drama 7. ENG-503The Experience of Literature 8. ENG-509 Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 9. ENG-512 Elizabethan and 17`h Century Poetry- 10. ENG-513 Old and Medieval English literature MA in English Course Offering for One Year

    1. ENG-504 Structure of English
    2. ENG-505 Elementary Linguistics
    3. ENG-515 Modern Poetry
    3. ENG-514 William Shakespeare
    4. ENG-517 Modern Novel
    5. ENG-518 Classics in Translation
    6. ENG-507 Literary Criticism
    7. ENG-516 Modern Drama
    8. ENG-519 Postmodernism
    9. ENG-520 Thesis/ Dissertation